Philosophy, Credo Page



Credo. I'm not a teacher. I teach because I want to learn. Teaching should always be a by-product of (re)search. Nevertheless, there is such a thing as "business" of teaching. Especially when we are dealing with non-theatre majors.

In Acting One (THR 121 Fundamentals) it is an introduction to acting: Improv, Games, Basic Knowledge how to deal with the text.

Acting Two (a href=221.html>THR 221 Intermediate Acting) I introduce Biomechanics with the emphasis on physical theatre.

Three -- THR321 Advanced Acting is focud on Method.

I have to break up my long CV and post different portions of it in different places.


Trained in Method Acting I did my research mostly in Meyerhold's theories; Biomechanics for actors and Scenometrics for staging.[2] In classroom and productions I use both, depending on the situation - our theatre program serves two main categories of students, around 30 majors with professional orientation, and a lot of students, who take theatre as a liberal arts subject.

Academically and administratively I believe in dichotomy of globalization and specialization in education; our concentration at UAF is the Theatre of the North. "Tuma" program focuses on Native performance and Russian Theatre as an ongoing exchange with leading Soviet artists (A RUSSIAN CHRISTMAS TALE was designed by Danila Korogodsky, and we had Alexander Zhurbin, composer and vice president of Soviet Musical Theatre Guild, for residency at UAF). "Core Curriculum for New Russia; American experience" was developed with other departments of the College of Liberal Arts (ask for papers).

Departmental policies: All theatre faculty are engaged in creative/scholarly activities, faculty development goes together with development of new courses, and publishing of our research.

Students: Most of our majors are in acting, and after establishing of the Student Drama Association (SDA) and transforming producing responsibilities to students for "Winter Shorts", a student directed one-acts season, they got practically unlimited possibilities for performance. We developed a Handbook for majors and conducting professional seminars/workshops such as Auditions, Resume Preparation, Portfolios and etc.

Our season consists of three components: main stage productions done by faculty and guest-directors, guest companies and "Winter Shorts" (see season brochure). For publicity we usually mail 30.000 season advertising brochures for subscribers, publishing at least four times a year our newsletter (3.000 circulation). [For UAF Theatre audience development and fundraising see 1991 report.]

We have close creative cooperation with other departments; musical directors, musicians, composers, singers from faculty and music majors; set and posters - Arts Department, Alaska Native Studies, Northern Studies and others. Also, team teaching.

Because of our active professional life we have good relations with administration, Vice Chancellors on Research, Academics, as well as with the Dean, Chancellor, President and Faculty Senate. Theatre UAF is the main force for the university Public Relations on state and community levels. We teach for Summer Arts Camp, Fairbanks Summer Arts Festival (International), direct, design for local community theaters such as Fairbanks Light Opera and Fairbanks Drama Association, Children Theatre, Eskimo Olympics, Stage Readings, Open Stage and etc.

(Written in 1992, when I was a department head)

How my Theatre and Film Sites are developing, depends on courses I teach. In the Fall I teach Acting 121 and Dramatic Literature THR 215. For production activities visit Pre-Pro Page. Also, my UAF office hours page.
This page is for my colleagues.

"Public educators, like Soviet farmers, lack any incentive to produce results, innovate, to be efficient, to make the kinds of difficult changes that private firms operating in a competitive market must make to survive." Carolyn Lochhead

PS. And only the presence of private institutions forces the public education system to make some changes.

- Information is something the VENDOR sends
- Learning is what the VISITOR does

Carl R. Rogers in his book "Freedom to Learn," says:

"Teaching, in my estimation, is a vastly overrated function.....I see facilitation of learning as the aim of education."