method * spectator *
As always, the silent majory is ignored. The spectator doesn't act, direct or write. We are so busy on stage that we forgot to write a book about him -- the black hole, the place where the light is born.Theatre Space asks for darkness. Only once I went to see Shakespeare in the Central Park. The nature is too distractive, even the night sky is too much! How can I create a new world without blocking out the existing one? I need walls and celling!
I do not direct "happennings"!
On your right is a typical floor plan ... of a church. Do you see the three familiar zones -- house, stage and back stage (including wings)?
That's where Theatre was for almost one thousand years, known as "Dark Ages"! Yes, our indoor procenium stage was developed at that time. (Usually, we look at the Greeks, although the Romans understood them better and made a stadium out of the open-air theatres). Drama can't be developed further outdoors, it asked for its own architecture, not just a place under the sun.
The real backstage is missing even in Shakespearian times. In my view, the real spectators didn't exist till now. Yes, those 5% of Americans, who went to theatre at least one time, are the spectators... because they went to theatre!
Before it was a place for news, social interaction, near square-street entertainment...
See Spectatorship Concept at Doubles -- Spectator and Mirror Effect. More in POV -- the phenomena of watching. Also, Self Files at Tripod (deep theory directory)
PS. The best is to present Spectatorship through the phenomena of watching film. Here is our spectator is really naked, here he is at WORK. Busy, busy! Putting together shots and cuts, angles and themes... Working like a machine!
No, my friends, the screen is not flat -- there is an anourmous machine behind it, much bigger than in any theatrical production. Just look at the list of credits!
There are no bad spectators, only bad movies. Nature doesn't creat "bad" public (there is no "bad" weather, too -- FYI).
Stanislavsky said that actor must die in his character, director -- in his actors, writer -- in his characters... We all must die in our public!
We die in order for spectacle to be born.
The last, the final performer of this phenomena is you, the spectator.
Should I say -- First?
I should.