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Directing Theatre


First Direct Page @ Theatre w/Anatoly and Directing Directory. Most of the webpage are instructional (classes), but many do have texts on Directing Theory and Theatre Theory. I'm making the specialized glossary for each directory, but this job will take forever to be done (year or two). I gave a title for Directing Pages "StageMatrix" (or "StageMetrics"), following the intentions of Meyerhold.

Since Director is in the middle of everything, you better read SCRIPT directory and ACTING directory (actually, both -- System of the Method and Biomechanics).

If you are interested in Virtual Theatre applications to live shows, I teach vTheatre Special Topics class in the Spring 2001 and you can subscribe to vTheatre Forum.

There are still many "directing" files I have on my hard drive and most likely I can webpublish them only, when I am about to teach next directing class.

Follow THR331 Fundamentals of Direction, if you are a novice director.

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Directing Pages Only!

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Bookmarked IT, directors!


From Director's Page in Acting Directory @ Theatre w/Anatoly

Often I find myself in a position of a couch. Of course, actors are insecure, even the most arrogant ones. How else? How do you know that it is right whatever you do? You're in, you don't see yourself. You only have a feeling -- yes, yes, but....

I leave this situation with a thought that each actor has to learn how to be his or her own couch and trainer. It does take skill of self-evaluation, critical observation, living a separate non-actor's existance. One tool I always adviocate -- Actor's Journals (you it from your classes). You have to record your state of mind, your progress, your goals -- you have to talk to yourself!

Another -- developing a little director sitting inside you with his voice and his talk. It takes a journey into other lands -- general understanding of the script ourtside of your role, understanding designers, even the ideas behind the lighting plot. Yes, it will help you to remember the laws of the acting areas. You will remember that once established your positions can't be change -- and you better be sure that you are where you want your character to be.

Directors love actors who meet them half way; we are digging the channel from two opposite sides, friends. We have to develp macro-action (director) which coinsides with the micro-actions (actor). Actor has to welcome the limitations imposed by the text, directions, design, etc -- only than you have YOUR ACTOR's SPACE for development of your role. Do you know where this space starts and ends?